We Need You!

We are launching 6 Story Seeds Projects between 2023 – 2024 for altogether 48 kindergarten students coming from families living in sub-divided flats or receiving social benefits. Each Story Seed Project will consist of a minimum of 30-hour weekly online lessons spread across the entire year.

Our Story Seeds Projects are solely supported by donations. No matter what amount, big or small, every contribution is important to us.

As a small charity like us, we are proud to share that we have minimal administrative expenses i.e. your donations would be spent on making real impacts on the children we are serving.
Please do not hesitate to contact to reach out to us to find out more about Story Seeds!

根據 <<香港稅務條例>> 第88條本香港註冊有限公司是已獲豁免的慈善機構。捐款港幣$100元或以上可申請免稅。
RACE FOR EDUCATION ACCESSIBILITIES FOR EVERY CHILD LIMITED is a registered charity institution in Hong Kong which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance. Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible.

Donations (HK$)

$30,189 of $1.5 million raised
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $1,000.00

*All Payments are in HK$